Wednesday 11 April 2012


Little Miss has a new word.  She learnt it on her holidays.  'Arry'.

Harry was a little boy two months older than herself.  She loved him.

Little Miss's understanding of the world is lovely to see.  Harry was found by the toddler pool during the day.  She'd run to the pool to find him.  They'd sail their bath toys across the cold paddling pool, she'd dabble her hands in...he'd wade in.  They'd argue over a pink dolphin, or a blue duck.  But they were happy as Larry together.

After dinner one night we walked back to the hotel bar via the pool areas.  Once down at the level of the toddler pool she ran as fast as her legs could carry her, shouting 'Arry, 'Arry, 'Arry'.  In Little Miss's world the only place Harry could be found was by the pool.  It didn't matter that she'd also spent time with him at the entertainment.  Harry should be at the pool!  He wasn't.  She was distraught.

Harry left hours before us, but in the middle of the night.  Little Miss searched for him.  She wasn't distractable. Over the past two weeks it seems she still hasn't forgotten him.  We got into the car on Friday, and she suddenly became all excited that we were going to see 'Arry, 'Arry, 'Arry'.  I had to let her down gently that we were going to see Granny instead!

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